Kadhir Velavan Ramasubramanian
6 min readJun 2, 2019
  • Bitcoin Adoption Stories — Part 1

As discussed in my previous post, I will be discussing various fictional Bitcoin adoption stories. These are just fictional but in reality, it might happen someday.

Remember, the fictional stories told about the internet in the 90s, I did hear about people speculating that somebody from the internet would come and pick you up. Now it is a reality now in the form of Uber service where a stranger from the Internet comes and picks you up. These stories will materialize soon, and it will become a reality when adoption catches up.

It would just need a spark before the fire watches up to become a wildfire. In this first story, we will be discussing an old lady who is struggling for her daily bread, but with all her efforts able to save little by little to buy land for herself and what happens next and how Bitcoin saved her is the story that will unfold while you read.

The old lady (who is also half blind) is living in the remotest of villages in India and doesn’t have any contact with the outside world via the internet, Television or Mobile phones.

She is struggling for her daily bread but still never gives up on her efforts to save little every day for her retirement. Her daily routine would be to wake up as early a 4 A.M. walk for 4 miles to fetch water and then prepare breakfast and lunch and drop his grandson to the school. She then starts her work in the nearby factory and comes back home only in the evening to prepare for dinner.

She is in her 60s and wants to retire quickly, so she slowly but steadily started saving money to buy a piece of land. We all have very high ambitions of becoming a millionaire and buying a big villa. But for her, the goal is to buy a small piece of land in her village and build a simple hut. She wants to live her last days of her life in that hut peacefully. Her ambitions are simple and straight forward.

The old lady worked without rest and also not hesitant to work night shifts for her to save quickly to meet her goals. Due to her old age, her body gave up many a time, but it was her ambition that keeps her motivated to move ahead with all the pain. The old lady suffered from vision problem as well and in spiteof all the troubles she never stopped to purse on her goals. The age factor is not a roadblock for her burning desire.

With her hard work and determination that lasted for a decade, she was able to save enough money to buy a small piece of land in her village. She started to register the property and also with village people help she was able to build a small hut.

She was in her 70s now, and so she cannot work any longer due to the age. So she decided to spend her last days in this hut. His grandson has already moved out working for a multinational company. The old lady refused to move away from the place where she spent all her life and also didn’t entertain any financial help from his grandson. She wanted to be on her own and die peacefully in her village.

It was a blissful life for her since she is living in her hut that was built with a decade long struggle. It gave her immense joy and happiness, and most importantly, it made her feel empowered and a feeling of accomplishment.

The sad part is that happiness didn’t last long. The land prices were skyrocketing, and greedy men were looking to grab land from vulnerable people. Some villagers have given up on their land for making quick profits, but some were reluctant. The old lady was also approached by a local politician along with state authorities for a talk, but she outright rejected their offer. She explained to them that it was bought with her hard-earned life savings and she cannot sell it at any cost.

The authorities and politicians visited her daily, giving her sleepless nights. They started to force her to sell her land to them. She was very stubborn and fought with them bravely till the end. But, unfortunately, she was too weak to fight against powerful greedy men.

The politicians, along with the help from officials, prepared a forged document and with their power, got it authorized by the respective agencies. Goons came to her hut, showed her the forged document, and asked her to vacate immediately mentioning to her that her papers are fake and illegal.

She fought with them, but he was pushed away without any mercy for her age by those goons. The hut was destroyed, and she was left on the road along with her things scattered all on the road. It was land bought with all the sweat and blood, and it was her life ambition, all destroyed and grabbed in a second.

The old lady didn’t give up; she went from pillar to post for justice. She filled a legal complaint in the court and sent them formal notice. But as you know, the law can also be bought, and the court ruled in favor of the politicians, leaving her last hope in the system shattered.

You need to note here that the state authorities confiscated her land and house with the help of goons. She was also denied, Justice even after running from pillar to post with her improper vision. She is half blind and even that they didn’t consider before doing injustice to her.

Her grandson came running after knowing the story, but the old lady declined any help, nor she wanted to move out to stay with him. She wants to live and die in her village. So, her grandson found an alternate place for her in the same village, and he asked her to give him all the remaining savings she had that he wanted it to be safeguarded since she is vulnerable and can be attacked by anyone who wants to grab money from her.

The village also didn’t have a bank and needed to travel to the nearest town to open a bank account. The old lady gave all her savings to his grandson, and he, in turn, converted her savings into Bitcoins. The bitcoins were moved to cold storage, and it was handed over to her. She was asked to remember the 24 seed phrase, and that’s it, all her funds are safe and unconfiscatable. Even if her wallet was stolen or grabbed, they could not grab her bitcoins unless and until they knew the seed phrase that only she knew.

Years passed by, and the deflationary currency appreciated multifold. Her grandson, who was now convinced that it is time for her to liquidate her holdings went back to the village, helped her to cash out. With the abundant cash in hand, she was able to buy a big house with all facilities and also had enough money to appoint a maid for her to take care of her in her old days.

Like the old lady, anyone’s land can be confiscated and so one should try to save in Bitcoin, which is unconfiscatable and censorship-resistant. Also, she invested in a deflationary currency and never bothered about the in-between volatility. She was unaware of the multiple bull-bear cycles that came along during her holdings. The old lady taught us a powerful lesson to hold and not bother about the noises that surround us all the time in this space.

I will come up with another Bitcoin Adoption Story in my next medium post.

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